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Great job :D Very well made!

I recommend adding arrow key support for right-handed players and players with different keyboard layouts.

Fun game and a good concept, the colour pallete was good, but there were quite a few things I noted:

- Text font was a bit hard to read
- One of the levels had white text in front of a white background which made it incredibly hard to read, maybe that was intended, not sure.

- The hitboxes are a bit... strange, keys have a very small hitbox while level end has a large hitbox (Which is good).
- A level fade would be nice.
- A bit of invincibility when you spawn would be good since sometimes I respawn right on top of an antivirus and die instantly.

Good game though,, I especially like the level design, especially the level where you have to respawn to pass.

thanks for playing! and yes it was very buggy and i didn't know what i was doing 😅 it was my first time using the engine so i didn't know alot of the stuff in it yet. but thanks again for playing! :D

Game is really fun, but a lot of times I touch the lock thing, and it doesn't unlock so I got stuck on a level. Where there is lava underneath it.